التنظيف المنزلي ، سبا للسيارات ، الإصلاح ، مكافحة الآفات وخدمات الماشية في Doorstep. Timesaverz is your one stop solution to get curated service providers for
التنظيف المنزلي ، سبا للسيارات ، الإصلاح ، مكافحة الآفات وخدمات الماشية في Doorstep.
Timesaverz is your one stop solution to get curated service providers for at-home services including home cleaning, car cleaning, beauty, sofa cleaning, pest control, home appliance repair, laptop & mobile repair, electrician, plumber & carpenter jobs.
يمكنك الآن الحصول على الأعمال المنزلية المنزلية بسرعة وسهلة في مومباي ، ثين ، نافي مومباي ، بون ، بنغالور ، حيدر أباد ، نيودلهي وجورغاون عن طريق حجز الخدمات من هاتفك المحمول.
الخدمات التي نقدمها
Home cleaning : Specialized home cleaning services such as basic home cleaning, deep home cleaning and move-in cleaning with modern machines and products to ensure that your house is squeaky clean, healthy and hygienic.
Sofa cleaning : Specialized sofa cleaning services namely sofa shampooing & sanitisation ensuring removal of dust, vacuuming of sofa & shampooing to remove stains.
Carpet Cleaning : Services involve carpet shampooing & sanitisation to ensure your carpet is spotlessly clean by using modern techniques & equipment.
Car cleaning & Car Spa : Give your sedan, hatchback, SUV or luxury car a brand new look with complete interior & exterior car cleaning & car spa services.
Kitchen Cleaning : Get rid of stubborn stains, odours, grease & grime from your kitchen with a thorough cleaning service to make it sparkling clean.
Bathroom Cleaning : Get cleaning, disinfecting and sanitisation services for your bathroom with advanced chemicals to keep germs at bay & your family healthy.
Window Cleaning : Get rid of dust and grime collected on your window. خدمات تنظيف الكتب والحصول على عتبات ، الستائر ، مصاريع وقنوات تنظفها الخبراء.
Mattress Cleaning : Get a fresh and clean mattress with mattress cleaning & sanitisation services employing modern techniques.
Pest Control : Exterminate cockroaches, bed bugs, termites & other pests with eco-friendly, safe and effective pest control services.
Appliance Repair : Get on-time & hassle free Repairing/ Servicing/ Installation services for your gadgets ranging from Air conditioner (AC), laptops, computers, mobiles, water purifier, fridge, microwave etc.
Electrician : Skilled electricians to manage all kinds of electrical repair & maintenance work at your home including loose wiring, socket replacement, bulb change & more.
Carpenter : Skilled carpenters for all your carpentry needs ranging from wooden fixtures, furniture installations, general fixes & more.
Plumber : Skilled plumbers for all your plumbing woes right from fixing of leaky pipes, faucets, unclogging of choked drains to bathroom and kitchen fittings.
House Painting : Expert house painters for exterior & interior home painting needs. Transform your home and walls by booking this Timesaverz house painting service.
Timesaverz aims to create more me-time for busy individuals by organising their home services requirement. لقد خدمنا أكثر من 100000 عميل ، على شركاء خدمة تم التحقق من 3000 شخص ، وتجندوا أكثر من 100 خدمات منزلية ، وتوسيع نطاقًا سريعًا إلى مدن أخرى.
Timesaverz promise -
• خدمة الجودة في الوقت المحدد دون أي تكلفة خفية
• خدمة مضمونة في غضون ساعتين
• ضمان رضا الخدمة بنسبة 100 ٪
• منتجات ومعدات عالية الجودة ، ردود فعل منتظمة لتحسين الخدمة باستمرار
• برامج الإحالة
• رعاية العملاء المخصصة
• خيارات الحجز والدفع السهلة
Download the Timesaverz app and say goodbye to pesky chores.